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Past alerts are listed here. Current emergency alerts are listed on this page


    Emergency alert from the police: EMERGENCY OVERThe [hendelse] in [definer området] is under control.[alternative instruksjoner hvis aktuelt]Seek information and follow advice from the authorities.

    Emergency alert from the police: AVALANCHE/ROCKSLIDE/LANDSLIDEThere has been an avalanche/rockslide/landslide in [definer området]. You may be in a dangerous area.[alternative instruksjoner hvis aktuelt]Seek information and follow advice from the authorities. Recommendations: •Leave the area if possible.•Leave the area.•Avoid the area.•Call the emergency services only if you need urgent help or is in a life-threatening situation.
  • Test of Emergency Alert 10 January 2024

    TEST This is a TEST of Emergency Alert, the authorities' warning system for major situations involving a serious threat to life and health. A real alert will inform you about the incident and recommended precautions to protect yourself. Norwegian police are testing the system today. You do not need to do anything. The Norwegian Police
  • Technical test 4 January 2024

    This is a technical test of Emergency Alert, the authorities' warning system for major situations involving a serious threat to life and health. This technical test is part of the preparations for the national warning system test on the 10th of January. You do not need to do anything. You are receiving this test because your mobile phone is activated to receive test alerts. To receive the test alert during the national warning system test on 10 January, you do not need to have test notifications activated on your phone. The Norwegian Police

    Emergency alert from the police: EMERGENCY OVER This is an update from the first message sendt monday morning 07.08.23. The armed operation in Sorrollnes is under control. You can now safely leave your house and use the area on Sorrollnes.
  • Warning extreme weather

    Extremely heavy rain is expected in parts of South Norway. Take precautions and follow the advice from emergency authorities! Carefully consider whether the journey is necessary. Information in English: https://www.yr.no/en/extreme/hans Unwetterwarnung. In Teilen Süd-Norwegens werden extrem starke Regenfälle erwartet. Treffen Sie Vorsichtsmaßnahmen und befolgen Sie die Anweisungen der Behörden. Überlegen Sie sorgfältig, ob Reisen tatsächlich notwendig sind. Weitere Informationen hier: https://www.yr.no/en/extreme/hans
  • Extremely heavy rain is expected in parts of South Norway. Take precautions and follow the advice from emergency authorities! Carefully consider whether the journey is necessary. Information in English: https://www.yr.no/en/extreme/hans Unwetterwarnung. In Teilen Süd-Norwegens werden extrem starke Regenfälle erwartet. Treffen Sie Vorsichtsmaßnahmen und befolgen Sie die Anweisungen der Behörden. Überlegen Sie sorgfältig, ob Reisen tatsächlich notwendig sind. Weitere Informationen hier: https://www.yr.no/en/extreme/hans

    Emergency alert from the police: AVALANCHE/ROCKSLIDE/LANDSLIDE There has been an avalanche/rockslide/landslide in [definer området]. You may be in a dangerous area. [handlingsalternativer hvis aktuelt] Seek information and follow advice from the authorities.
  • Extreme weather Hans

    «Extremely heavy rain is expected in parts of South Norway. Take precautions and follow the advice from emergency authorities! Carefully consider whether the journey is necessary. Information in English: https://www.yr.no/en/extreme/hans» Unwetterwarnung. In Teilen Süd-Norwegens werden extrem starke Regenfälle erwartet. Treffen Sie Vorsichtsmaßnahmen und befolgen Sie die Anweisungen der Behörden. Überlegen Sie sorgfältig, ob Reisen tatsächlich notwendig sind. Weitere Informationen hier: https://www.yr.no/en/extreme/hans»
  • HANS

    «Extremely heavy rain is expected in parts of South Norway. Take precautions and follow the advice from emergency authorities! Carefully consider whether the journey is necessary. Information in English: https://www.yr.no/en/extreme/hans» Unwetterwarnung. In Teilen Süd-Norwegens werden extrem starke Regenfälle erwartet. Treffen Sie Vorsichtsmaßnahmen und befolgen Sie die Anweisungen der Behörden. Überlegen Sie sorgfältig, ob Reisen tatsächlich notwendig sind. Weitere Informationen hier: https://www.yr.no/en/extreme/hans» Statsforvalteren
  • Dangerous incident

    Emergency alert from the police: DANGEROUS INCIDENT There is an ongoing armed police action at Sørrollnes. You may be in a dangerous area. Advice from the police is to stay inside you own home until the situation is clarified if you live near the ferry port at Sørrollness. Also don't want anyone to drive to the ferry port Please do not call the police unless youre in a emergency
  • Emergency alert from the police: MUDSLIDES There have been multiple mudslides in the Vistdal area. There is a risk of more mudlisdes Area: Vistdal, Molde municipality Advice: Do not go to the area. If you are in the area, seek safe ground. If you are in an immediate, life threatening situastion call 112. Seek information and follow advice from the authorities.