

No active alerts
See past alerts

Past alerts

Past alerts are listed here. Current emergency alerts are listed on this page

  • System test of Emergency Alert

    TEST - TEST - TEST This is a system test of Nødvarsel, the Norwegian authorities alerting system. The test takes place in central parts of Oslo. As recipient you can disregard this message. TEST - TEST - TEST
  • System test of Emergency alert

    TEST - TEST - TEST This is a system test of Nodvarsel, the Norwegian authorities alerting system. The test takes place in central parts of Oslo. As recipient you can disregard this message. TEST - TEST - TEST
  • System test of Emergency Alert

    TEST - TEST - TEST This is a system test of Nødvarsel, the Norwegian authorities alerting system. The test takes place in central parts of Oslo. As recipient you can disregard this message. TEST - TEST - TEST
  • Second System test of Emergency alert

    TEST - TEST - TEST This is a system test of Nødvarsel, the Norwegian authorities alerting system. As recipient you can disregard this message. TEST - TEST - TEST
  • System test of Emergency alert

    TEST - TEST - TEST This is a system test of Nødvarsel, the Norwegian authorities alerting system. As recipient you can disregard this message. TEST - TEST - TEST